Saturday, February 18, 2017

Threats to Marriage (wk 3)

I think it can be easy to lose sight of the importance and sanctity of marriage. I love this quote by Elder Nelson of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles when he said, "disciples of the Lord are defenders of marriage." We live in a world where the tradition of marriage is threatened. It has become common and even trendy for couples to live together before they are married, if they choose to get married at all. We also live in a world where it is becoming acceptable for people of the same sex are able to be together and even get married in some places. The Family Proclamation to the World states that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children." 
Men and women are meant to compliment and complete each other. We have different strengths as well as different weaknesses. It wouldn't be fair to knowingly deprive a child of growing up with both male and female parental influences. A father and a mother can both love their children unconditionally. However, a mother and father will both give different needs to each of their children. I remember when I was growing up, my sister and I were constantly turning to my mom for advice and to talk things out. I really felt like she could relate to my experiences because the had similar experiences growing up as a female in high school and making big decisions etc. I remember there being a time where my mom said she was grateful to have my dad when my little brother came along. She didn't know what to do with a boy! I hadn't realized before then, that my brother is able to turn to my dad for all kinds of predicaments and advice because my dad can relate to him on a whole different level that my mom cannot. 
As a child growing up in a two parent household, I am grateful that I've had the influence of both a father and a mother in my home. I can't imagine not being able to go out camping with my dad and asking him for advice when I was having trouble with boys. I also can't imagine not turning to my mom for friendship advice and helping me through all the experiences I've had over the years as a girl and now a woman. I know that not all situations are ideal and there are many times when a mother or father cannot be present in a child's life for safety or tragic reasons. I know that in these cases, there are other role models and influences that these children experience in their absence. I know from experience, however, that it is ideal for children to grow up with both a motherly and fatherly influence. I know that men and women are created for each other. Through charity, humility, diligence, patience, service, quality time, compromising, communication, supporting each other, and working together; families can strengthen their relationships both now and forever. 

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