Saturday, February 18, 2017

Doctrine of Eternal Marriage (wk 4)

I think there is a trend going on in the world today that men and women can choose to be single (or unmarried) and still live happy and fulfilled lives. While I think it is important to learn independence and have personal experiences, I think marriage to the right person can bring so much joy and fulfillment to our lives that we didn't even know was missing! There are so many reasons that our loving Heavenly Father has made marriage and families the center focal point of His eternal plan of happiness. God knows everything, and it would be wise to follow his council regardless of our complete understanding. Being sealed in the temple and honoring those marital covenants brings the promise of being with our spouse and children for eternity. 
This kind of relationship requires both spouses to give 100%. Both must establish and maintain an eternal perspective as they work out their differences and come closer together through faith, repentance and forgiveness, quality time together, compromising, relying and committing to one another, prayer, strengthening their relationships with each other as well as with God, and follow His council in all things. God's greatest desire is to have all of his children return to live with Him again. He has provided a way that they could not only return to live with him, but to return with their own families as well. Our families were always meant to be eternal. God never promised that marriage would be easy, but He promised that as we honor our covenants, seek the other person's happiness, serve and love each other, and keep Christ at the center of our lives that we would be blessed! Heavenly Father wants us to have the joy that he has and we know that it requires time and attention on our part. He knows and loves each of us perfectly and will help us in our marital relationships as we turn to him, seek his council, and strive to work on our relationships with our spouse every single day. 

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