Saturday, March 25, 2017

Wk 12: Becoming One with our Spouse


Elder Eyring of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote a great article called, "That We May Be One." In it, he described the many things we can do to become unified with our spouse. He also describes what we should avoid in our relationships that will distance us and prevent us from coming closer together.
God designed us to be eternal beings. He also created us for our relationships here on the earth to be forever, including our marriages. In this life, we are meant to learn and grow with our spouses as we prepare for the blessings that come with exaltation. Part of this process is becoming "one" with our spouse. This includes being one in purpose, unity and strength. It is important that we are selfless in our relationship. We should seek the happiness and well-being of the one we love. We must avoid temptation and seek to repair and repent as we make mistakes that distance us from each other. We should always remember that the Atonement will help us. We can change and do better. 
This also requires love and sacrifice on both ends. It takes each spouse giving 100% to the relationship. It takes love, communication, quality time together, setting goals and making plans, working towards various things together, etc. We must pray always and in those prayers we should ask the Lord to make ours and our spouses hearts as one. We make and keep sacred covenants. We stay close to the Lord. We will seek to have the Spirit with us as we go about our daily lives and as we look forward with an eye of faith. 
Our marriages will be blessed as we seek guidance from the Lord and promise to remember Him. As we come together with our spouses to read scriptures, attend church, fulfill our callings and support one another in theirs, make plans, hold family nights, work on our relationships.. .we will grow closer to one another. As we share dreams and work towards them together, we are also building a strong bond. Individually as we grow closer to Christ and seek to become like Him, we will automatically grow closer to our spouse. It takes continual effort and determination to make your hearts as one, but it is worth it and the blessings both now and in eternity are worth every sacrifice and act of faith to get there with our spouse and with our family.

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