Saturday, March 18, 2017

Wk 11: Fidelity and Intimacy in Marriage


Joy and fulfillment in marriage is found in marriage when both spouses are committed to each other with complete fidelity. I think it takes a constant effort and mindfulness to be sure we are completely devoted to our spouse. It can be so easy to make seemingly small and simple decisions that may lead to more serious situations or that can slowly create distance between you and your spouse. 
In the book, Drawing Heaven into your Marriage by H. Wallace Goddard, he outlines 10 examples of this. Here they are in my own words: 
1.) Do not feed or dwell on feelings that may arise for another person outside of your marriage. Also, do not allow yourself to view media that encourages infidelity or that may sway you to have these thoughts or desires. 
2.) It is never wise to spend any amount of time with a person of the opposite sex no matter what you are doing. 
3.) Do not every flirt with someone who is not your spouse even when it may seem innocent. 
4.) Do not give attention to thoughts or feelings that may begin or develop for another person.
5.) If you continue to be tempted, or if you find yourself desiring or even acting on these thoughts or feelings, seek help from a spiritual or other leader. 
6.) Make time to spend with your spouse where you can enjoy one another's company and grow your relationship. 
7.) Ask God for help and strength. Seek to help others through service, time spent with family and other meaningful activities such as reading or playing with your children. 
8.) Avoid situations where you may be tempted to have thoughts or feelings for someone outside of your marriage. 
9.) Stay away from pornography, whatever you do! This is dangerous for so many reasons. 
10.) Find joy in your companionship with your spouse and find ways to keep your love alive. 

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