Saturday, November 26, 2016

Strengthening Family Ties

What makes a happy family? There are so many ways this question could be answered: playing, spending time together, learning, traveling etc. An ongoing trend, however, is that a family that works together creates a happy family. Back in the day, families were required to work together in order to survive and thrive. What were these family members most likely doing while they were working? They were probably telling stories, visiting and connecting with one another; all while making memories. 

The difference between working as a family and playing games as a family is competition vs teamwork. When a family is working together on something whether it is a project, a household chore, etc they are most likely having to work together to get the job done. This creates unity and in turn usually creates stronger family relationships. 

Families that work together will also learn many beneficial skills such as: effective communication skills, social skills, compromising skills, conflict resolving strategies, relationships structure, reliance, character building and problem solving skills. It is very beneficial to children to learn the value of hard work as well as the importance of play. It's also interesting to note that women tend to connect face to face while men tend to connect shoulder to shoulder. Even though women like to be social and spend time together and men bond by working together, all of these areas are addressed as families come together to work on things together; strengthening their family ties. 

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