Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Transition of Marriage

Marriage is one of the biggest adjustments of our lives. Here we have two people that have dated, been engaged and are now living their lives together. They've most likely gotten to know each other pretty well over time and have decided that they love each other enough to want to make the commitment of marriage. I think the idea of marriage can sometimes be a lot different than reality. Sometimes the fantasy of marriage can seem so great and it can be difficult to remember that marriage is also challenging and the adjustment period after the wedding can be a very difficult experience. 

Here we have two people that, although they are in love, come from two different backgrounds and maybe even lifestyles. These two people grew up in different households with different rules, parents, siblings, experiences, trials and memories. It can be such an adjustment to merge these two lifestyles into one household. One spouse might do things completely different than the other. They may also disagree on the way some things should be done. This is one of the reasons why it would be important to be aware of this adjustment and to keep open communication in the first part of marriage so these differences can be resolved and healthy compromises can be made. 

There are so many different things that can become one as these two spouses begin their lives together. One example is finances; both where the money comes from and the expenses that need to be paid for. These two may be used to paying for their own expenses using their own resources. Another thing is merging households. Sometimes you both bring things from your own lifestyle and it can be a struggle as you learn to share everything. Sharing space is another adjustment that may take some getting used to as well as some compromises. While the adjustment stage can be difficult, it can also be a wonderful times to grow closer to your spouse and learn to compromise and set boundaries in your relationship right from the start. 

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