Saturday, October 8, 2016

Family Cycles and Economic Class

There are many things that determine class. These things may include: money, education, lineage, roots, family structure, where you live, your neighborhood, your language and your occupation. Class is actually an aspect of your culture. Class effects the family in many ways. For example, if a family is upper class, and both of the parents work, then it's likely that the children have a nanny taking care of them. This would limit the childrens' access to the parents and possibly their culture as well. I remember I used to nanny for this family where both of the parents worked full time. The nanny before me was fluent in spanish and was teaching the children spanish before I came. When I started nannying for them, I used to work some Sundays and I would take the children to church with me. It's interesting that children seem to be greatly influenced by their primary caregivers whether it is the parents, child care teachers or nanny.

I don't think there is necessarily an ideal class for raising a family. I do think that each class has their pros and cons. For example, I've seen in many cases upper class families with entitled children that lack responsibility. I've also seen upper class families with responsible children that have great work ethic as well as goals and plans in life. I was raised middle class and that worked for my family. We had many great opportunities but also had to work for what we wanted. I also don't think it's a bad thing to climb the "class ladder." As long as you keep an eternal perspective and maintain values as well as priorities. Also teaching children to understand the value of a dollar and hard work.

We also have what is known as a family cycle. This is when the parents are from a certain class, their children, grandchildren etc are likely to follow in that same class. This is not always the case though. I've seen many times where the children of parents want better for their children, so they break the cycle. This happened with my own parents. My grandma grew up with many siblings and they were very poor. My grandma wanted better for her children, so she went to college and she and my grandpa started saving and budgeting to give my mom and her sister a better life. Now all of us grandchildren are expected to get our educations in hopes that we will be able to give a better life to our children as well.

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