Friday, September 23, 2016

What Matters Most

"What matters most lasts the longest and families are forever." (M. Russell Ballard) 
I learned so much this week between class discussions, the readings, the videos, and the assignments that we had. It's so important to remember that there is no such thing as a cookie cutter family anymore. The ideal family consists of a father and mother that work together to provide a loving home for their children. Today, a family could consist of a single mother or father, an adoptive family, extended family members raising children, foster care, same sex couples raising children, and in some cases people consider their friends to be their family. 

We are social creatures. We are meant to have relationships and have an emotional connection with others. Our families should give us a sense of belonging. We should be able to turn to our families for support when we need it. Like I said, this isn't always the case; but it is ideal. Companionship is another thing that gives meaning to our lives and creates joy and happiness. Marriage is no longer a priority in many couples' lives anymore. The statistics of couples living together before marriage is astounding. It is becoming more common for a couple to have children before getting married; or without getting married at all. 

In the documentary called the Demographic Winter, we learned all the statistics on fertility and how that affects families all over the world. Something that stood out to me, was when they pointed out that if a couple decides to only have one child, and let's say that child decides to only have on child and so on; then everyone is affected. Schools will have less children meaning less diversity and friends for others, grandparents will have less resources for care as they grow older, the child won't have the experience of growing up with siblings, etc. This child also won't experience having the support of an extended family. This is such a sad reality. 

I am very close with my cousins, aunts and uncles. I've turned to them for support many times in my life. I am thankful for the Lord's stand on families and children. I don't want to feel pressured into having only one child or having many children. I think the decision to have children and how many is between you, your spouse, and the Lord. I definitely want children in the future and I'm thankful that the church has so many resources for families and recognizes the importance of family relationships and the hope that our families can be eternal. 

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